Ireland's Leading Occupational Health & Safety Consultants

OHSS Safety Consultants

Ireland's leading safety consultancy services have been working with us for over 12 years to manage their online presence.

Website Development Objectives

The aim of the recent Ohss website redevelopment was to firmly position OHSS as the leader in the field of Occupational Health in Ireland. Key to achieving this was to highlight the types of client OHSS work for on the website and the nature of the work conducted.

A slider on the homepage to allow us showcase a selection of Ohss's client and to briefly indicate  the nature of the work carried out while at the same time provide a quick link to read a brief case study  highlighting the work done and the results achieved.

In addition, the homepage focuses on the most demanded services from OHSS and to distinguish between the different areas of the business, occupational health, saftey training and asbestos. In addtion to this we created;

  • a vivid look and feel for the website

  • clear steps to engage with OHSS

  • clear calls to actions for each section, including

  • value add branded  information in download format e.g. your responsibilities under the heath & safety at work act

Website development results

This website development delivers OHSS a steady stream of online enquires from businesses and indivivduals who require services and training.